Maarif Culture
Start With Why : How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

Start With Why : How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action - Broché

de : Simon Sinek
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Date de parution : 2 avril 2018
Brève description : Why are some people and organizations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again? Because in business it doesn't matter what you do, it matters why you do it. Steve Jobs, the Wright brothers and Martin Luther King have one th ... Lire la suite »

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Détails sur le produit :

Date de parution
2 avril 2018
Penguin Books Ltd
Grand Format

Description du produit :

Why are some people and organizations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again? Because in business it doesn't matter what you do, it matters why you do it. Steve Jobs, the Wright brothers and Martin Luther King have one thing in common: they STARTED WITH WHY. This book is for anyone who wants to inspire others, or to be inspired. Based on the most-watched TED Talk of all time. 'One of the most useful and powerful books I have read in years' William Ury, coauthor of Getting to Yes 'This book is so impactful, I consider it required reading' Tony Robbins, bestselling author of Awaken The Giant Within

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