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Are You What You Eat? : A Guide to What's on your Plate and Why!

Are You What You Eat? : A Guide to What's on your Plate and Why! - Broché

de : DK
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Date de parution : 14 décembre 2015
Brève description : Are You What You Eat? explains why your body is an amazingly complex machine and what foods you should eat to fuel it. If you've felt sleepy during school or wondered what a superfood is Are You What You Eat? explains which foods and food groups boost your energy and keep you healthy. Take the quiz ... Lire la suite »

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Détails sur le produit :

Date de parution
14 décembre 2015
Dorling Kindersley Ltd
Grand Format

Description du produit :

Are You What You Eat? explains why your body is an amazingly complex machine and what foods you should eat to fuel it. If you've felt sleepy during school or wondered what a superfood is Are You What You Eat? explains which foods and food groups boost your energy and keep you healthy. Take the quizzes, read the facts and answer the questions to find out which foods keep your brain in top gear. Understand why healthy eating is so important and the positive impact it has on every aspect of your life. Packed with information on nutrition and healthy eating including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, you'll be able to make good choices when you eat.

Du même auteur :

Space Exploration

Grand Format

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